Day 4- Start Research
This morning started out early like all other mornings, breakfast was great. We meet in our research groups gathered our equipment and went out into the field for the day to collect data for our research topic. I chose hydrology with an emphasis on GIS mapping. I felt this would be a good introduction for myself since I have a GIS course next semester. Our hike to the river was easy because it was all down hill. We set up various equipment to monitor water velocity, water depth. We also set up two kestrels that records wind speed and temperature. We spent a lot of time down at the water which was nice, I saw a few fish, some water beetles and a water spider. The experience was good I almost felt like a real scientist. The hike back was a lot of work, the tails are muddy in sections from all the rain fall but the neatest part is when the giant tree roots are exposed on the trail and look like natural steps. I am still amazed every day when I step out of my housing unit and look around at one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. I am truly fortunate to have been invited to join the few students invited on the research experience. Everyone here is amazing.

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